Metropolitan Cathedral Services
All available on Facebook and YouTube as Live Stream (LS) or pre-recorded (R).
Live Stream events can also be watched at a later date.
YouTube: TheMetropolitanCathedralLiverpool  Facebook @liverpoolmetrocathedral

Sunday 28 March
7pm Tenebrae The ancient office of Tenebrae (Latin for ‘darkness’) sung by candlelight with Allegri’s ‘Miserere’. R

Wednesday 31 March
6pm  Mass of Chrism (Ticketed Service) LS

Holy Thursday 1 April
10am Office of Readings Psalms, readings and responsories set to music by Tomas luis de Victoria. R
7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Concluding with a period of Watching and Night Prayer at 9.30pm. LS

Good Friday 2 April
10am Office of Readings As the Cathedral lies empty, join us with choral music by Victoria and Anerio. R
11:30am Stations of the Cross LS
3pm and 5pm  Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday 3 April
10am Office of Readings The final day of the Triduum with psalms, readings & hymns sung by our Youth Choir. R
8pm Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter LS

Easter Sunday 4 April
9am, 10am, 11am Easter Day Solemn Mass  LS
7pm Easter Sunday Choral Evening Prayer The final service of holy week singing Easter praises & thanksgiving. R

Praying Holy Week with the Faithful Companions of Jesus

Praying Holy week 2021 Download as a pdf

Sign up: http://bit.ly/HolyWeekFCJ2021 You can dip in an out as you please!

FCJCentre St Hugh’s on Facebook, www.fcjsisters.org (events) or email Sr Lynne/Sr MaryAnne fcjcentresthughs@gmail.com

Palm Sunday 28 March
7pm Opening meeting

Monday of Holy Week
8am – Contemplative Prayer
1pm – FCJ Stations of the Cross from around the world
7pm – A window onto Holy Week Input Session: Audrey fcJ – The Imperative of Justice

Tuesday of Holy Week
8am – Contemplative Prayer
7pm – A window onto Holy Week Input Session: Mary fcJ – Prayer and Image
9pm – FCJ Stations of the Cross from around the world

Wednesday of Holy Week
3am – FCJ Stations of the Cross from around the world
8am – Contemplative Prayer
4pm Group Sharing on prayer resources provided as PDF
7pm – A window onto Holy Week Input Session: Margarita fcJ – Compassion

Holy Thursday
8am – Contemplative Prayer
5.30pm Prayer for Holy Thursday – Celebration of the founding of the Faithful Companions of Jesus

Good Friday
8am – Contemplative Prayer
Day of Silence

Holy Saturday
8am – Contemplative Prayer
10am – A window onto Holy Week Input Session: Rita fcJ – Waiting and Empty
4pm Group Sharing on prayer resources provided as PDF

Easter Sunday
11am Closing Meeting: Examen and Celebration