A Fresh Start
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The transition from ‘holiday mode’ back to the ‘usual’ routine or, for some, a fresh start, can be a bit “wobbly”. However a break can afford a new perspective and invigorate us, especially as our faith gives us the assurance that we are always accompanied by our ever present, never failing God.
We will be introducing the Liverpool South Ministry Team (LSMT) website – details next week – to the pastoral area. The aim is for the site to pool information from our deanery parishes with links to newsletters, websites and includes an events section which can be populated with parish, pastoral area and diocesan events. Eucharistic Minister training details are on the website– do contact me if you wish to take part, but check with your parish priest if you are a new Eucharistic Minister. A Reader Formation day for new (or newer) readers will be on Saturday 2 November from 9:15am (for 9:30 start) – 4pm and for more established readers on Sunday from 2- 5pm: do make a note of the dates. Meister Eckhart gives us a maxim:
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
God Bless, Helen.