Compassionate Embrace

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It was heartening to meet 16 new Eucharistic Ministers from across the Pastoral Area who attended the formation session run by Iranaeus at St Clare’s last weekend – may their ministry bring them and their parish communities great fulfillment.  Our enrichment day for current Eucharistic Ministers is this Sunday afternoon and repeated next Sunday 22 Sep from 2:15pm focusing on taking communion to the sick, housebound and dying. Do text, email or call if you wish to attend either. Our website at has more details of events in our area: it’s going to be a busy few months ahead!

This insight from Henri Nouwen touched me this week:  “In the context of a compassionate embrace, our brokenness may appear beautiful, but our brokenness has no other beauty but the beauty that comes from the compassion that surrounds it.” God Bless, Helen