Spiritual Resources

Mass Sheets
Week Day

Evening Prayer (St Vincent’s at 6:30pm daily)
Prayer for Sickness due to Flu and Viruses
Strong in the Face of Tribulation

Archdiocesan Links
Archdiocesan Website
Sunday Reflections – Archdiocese
The God Who Speaks

Lenten Retreats
Pathways to God
Ignation Spirituality

Facebook Group
CCC- Christ, Covid, Community – offering resources and spiritual support for people – may offer book club and spiritual direction

Live Streaming Mass and Prayers – from other Dioceses and Communities
Live Streaminformation from the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales
Taize Community – daily evening prayer at 8:30pm Central European Time (7:30pm UK time)
Diocese of Westminster  – including daily Mass and Sundays

Ecumenical Resources
Resources for Charities and Churches – information about Foodbank, prayer and worship resources etc from Churches Together