Taking Breath

Finding time to just be still is sometimes a challenge: the fcJs at St Hugh’s provided a sacred space for reflection on Creation last week – do look out for future reflection evenings in Advent: they are well worth attending. We keep them in our prayers as they celebrate their bicentenary. The four Synod themes were presented to members last week and the chance to come together to suggest proposals will keep us all focused over the next months – talks coming up.

If you are interested in Family Groups/Welcome, you are invited to attend the meeting at LACE.  Please see the LSPA website for resources from the Eucharistic Ministers Reflections – a booklet for those who visit the sick and housebound by Mgr Peter Fleetwood is available for download. We now also have a “News & Event Reports” section. Meetings galore at the moment: I look forward to seeing you all at Sunday Masses again after half term. A thought originating from the Talmud “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”