You are warmly welcome to the Liverpool South Pastoral Area website.
In these unprecedented times we unite in support of one another in prayer, by providing practical help and by living in the present day – one hour at a time, one day at a time. As ever in a moment of challenge and difficulty it is the kindness of strangers that overwhelm us as we continue to reach out to all who need our help as best we can.

Try our Laudato Si Quiz – 12 questions to tax your green credentials….
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Or your Titans from your Pando? Find out more…
Stations of the Resurrection available on YouTube
Liverpool South is a diverse area embracing people from all socio-economic backgrounds, creeds and ethnicity. This gives it a distinct flavour and each parish reflects the smaller community that it serves whilst retaining the warmth of welcome that is so typical of this wider area.
Our worshipping communities are led by diocesan priests as well as religious communities with some parishes focussing on the wider issues of immigration, others on Justice and Peace, family groups, youth programmes, UCM, chaplaincy, history as well as full Catholic community activities.
The LSMT is made up from the following communities: Cathedral Parish (including the Catholic Chaplaincy at St Philip Neri), Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Patrick – Toxteth, Blessed Sacrament Shrine – Dawson Street, St Anne & St Bernard – Edge Hill, St Anthony of Padua – Mossley Hill, St Charles Borromeo & St Thomas More – Aigburth, St Clare & St Hugh – Sefton Park, St Vincent de Paul – St James Street, St Wilfrid (including the Carmel Monastery) – Garston.
We work collaboratively to support our parishes in ministry in a team comprising laity, religious and clergy and in this way foster a spirit of unity and generosity as we enable opportunities to share the gifts and talents of our individual communities in living out the Gospel.