St Wilfrid’s Garston – Christmas Masses & Booking Details
Christmas Mass
Christmas Eve 8.30 p.m and 12 Midnight
Christmas Day 9.30 a.m and 11.15 a.m.
Please book your places for the celebration of Mass at Christmas in the usual way, preferably by emailing the parish office.
Please state clearly
– how many adults and
– how many children of 12 years of age or younger you are booking for.
This helps us to place as many people as safely as possible. Preference will be given to families with young children at the Christmas Day Masses. We are very grateful to all those who have volunteered to help steward these Masses allowing an extra Mass to be celebrated and in turn more people to have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas at Mass this year while numbers in church are still so severely restricted.
Early booking is essential. All bookings to be made by Monday, 21st December by 12 Noon, preferably by email.